Cottage Planting Style

The cottage style planting is an idolised version of the original cottage garden. These gardens were means for people to grow fruit, vegetables and flowers in small country plots. There is something quintessentially English about this planting style. There is a nostalgic romance about the combination of perennials and haphazard self-seeding annuals, fruit and vegetables in informal borders spilling over on to gravel paths. The cottage garden is lead by the planting, which aims to have an abundance of colour foliage and species.

Modern cottage garden are a lot more flower-lead, using regional and personal variations and embrace plant materials, such as ornamental grasses or native plants rarely seen in the rural gardens of cottagers. The perennial mixes complimented productive vegetable patches in which a cleverly placed ornamental variety can continue to pique aesthetic interests.

The cottage gardens layout tend to be quite simple and geometric. Often the paths are narrow and the plants are encouraged to partially obscure them. This softens the appearance of the garden and brings you closer to the plants themselves. The original cottage gardens were also productive gardens and were home to vegetables, fruit trees and shrubs and even livestock. Flowers were used to fill the spaces in between the productive elements.

Plants we might use in an Cottage garden.

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Naturalistic Planting Style