Here At GardenWild we believe that gardens play a vital role in the health of our towns and cities.
As as gardeners we are committed to building sustainability in to our work. By choosing the right plants and using sustainable materials we can create a garden that’s both beautiful and eco-friendly.
With 85% of the UK population living in urban areas, the domestic garden has never been so important to the health of the environment and the people living in it.
“Everyone is talking about sustainability these day but I don’t even know where to start!’
Chris, Harrogate
“I know it’s important to do something for the planet but sometimes I feel I’m too busy looking after the kids”
Janet, Leeds
We understand its not easy to feel like you are doing your bit for the planet but remember a little can go a long way. And you can do your bit from the comfort of you home! Its all right there in your garden…
Popular blogs on sustainability
Why is sustainable gardening important?
Sustainability - The quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural resources, and thereby supporting long-term ecological balance...
Gardening for urban biodiversity
The RHS states that domestic gardens are ‘among Britain’s key nature reserves’. An urban garden provides a vital site for wildlife. they’ve become an important alternative habitats to our increasingly monoculture countryside, and studies have shown that key species such as Songthrush, Common Frog and Hedgehog are now more prevalent in domestic gardens. Check out our top ten tips for getting a bit Wild In your Garden!
Supporting human health
Gardens and green spaces are linked to increased well being and reduced stress levels. The physical activity and creative control involved in managing your garden just makes you feel good. If you want to get involved, we want to make that happen. If not - sit back, relax and enjoy. We want to take the stress away!
Preventing urban flooding
Garden plants and trees play an important role in intercepting rainfall and slowing surface runoff, reducing pressure on drainage systems and reducing flooding. Planning legislation has recognised the benefits of permeable softly landscaped surfaces over hard surfaces in domestic gardens. We specialise in soft landscaping and finding practical solutions that benefit you ….. and the planet.
Sustainable water use
Responsible water use is becoming a key issue in horticulture. Water is essential for the survival of plants and could be vital to their survival in those first years. A properly installed irrigation system can reduce water wastage whilst your plants are establishing and save you hours of one on one time with your hose pipe!
Cooling the urban environment
The replacement of vegetation with hard, heat absorbing surfaces in urban areas make them particularly vulnerable to rising temperatures and urban heat waves. Garden plants and trees act as an air conditioning system, cooling temperatures and providing valuable shade from the sun. Similarly trees and hedges, or planting a green roof, can provide shelter and insulation in the winter, reducing heating costs and subsequent CO2 emissions. Planting doesn’t have to be high maintenance and can work along side parking or patio areas to soften edges and cool things down.