GardenWild Blog
Hints and tips, advice, product reviews and so much more from professional gardeners, horticulturists and designers.
Want to attract more birds to your garden?

Check out our blogs on birds
The most exciting thing about gardening is watching something that you’ve planted grow and come to life!
We give you practical hands on tips and advice to help you get started.
Where to start
Tools for gardening
Plants and Trees
Garden Soil
Gardening for Wildlife
Gardening tips and practical advice, from basic care to more creative.
Everyone knows that they need to fertilize there plants but not everyone know why or what that fertilizer is doing. Here’s GardenWilds trouble shooting guild to the effect different mineral have on you plants. Check it out before it’s too late!
Top tips on grow your own wildflower meadow. It’s harder than you think but the benefit are unbelievable!
Tools recommendations from gardeners
The garden hoe is a useful tool for ongoing garden maintenance. Once a border has been cleared of any perennial nuisances, like dandelions, the hoe can be used to keep a border looking its best. The blade is small enough to fit around plants in your border.
The pruning saw is when even the loppers won’t do. There are a lot of different types of pruning saw and they match their intended uses.
Loopers are very useful for those garden jobs that are just a bit too big for secateurs. You should try and always have a pair if you’re doing any pruning work.
There are all sorts of jobs you can use different rakes to achieve. From levelling an area for turf to raking up leaves. I couldn’t cover all of them in this one blog. I’m going to concentrate on rakes designed for removing fallen leaves, grass clippings and other garden waste.
In this blog we’re going to give you some idea of what to look out for when buying a shovel. Some people confuse them with spades. There is an easy way to remember-
Spades cut through the soil and are primarily used for digging.
Shovels move soil and other garden material around.
In this blog we’re going to try to give you some idea of what to look out for when buying a spade. A spade a spade right? But not all spades are created equal.
I’m going to be giving you recommendation for what we think are the best all purpose gardening gloves. Gloves that you can do jobs like weeding and planting with perfect dexterity.
The garden claw tool can be use in a variety of different ways. We use is primarily for clearing smaller unwanted garden material such as annual weeds, leaves or unwanted herbaceous root structures out of beds and borders
Working towards a more sustainable future
Did you know that you choice of compost could be contributing to climate change? This is because of one of the main elements in most composts… Peat. Dig a little deeper and find out more.
Find out about the innovative way (or ways) of dealing with the floods that is not only worked but also sustainable! I’ll give you a clue - it’s planting! Jump straight in and find out more!
Zero Waste Starter Kit! The Zero Waste Essentials for your kitchen, reduce your footprint with each step along the food waste journey. Read this and waste less!
Is your garden’s too wet or you sick of your pond, don’t get bogged down! check out our blog on bog plants. It’s the bog blog! Perfect, not only for bog garden plants but also bog plants for ponds.
Top tips on grow your own wildflower meadow. It’s harder than you think but the benefit are unbelievable!
Gardening for wildlife
Bird feeding stations are, if you never seen one before, great for hanging lots of different types of bird feed/feeders and attracting a large verity of bird.
Out of all the wildlife that come and visit our garden, birds have to be the friendliest and most vocal. Checkout GardenWilds top 5 Garden Birdbaths and attract more bird to your garden.
Is your garden’s too wet or you sick of your pond, don’t get bogged down! check out our blog on bog plants. It’s the bog blog! Perfect, not only for bog garden plants but also bog plants for ponds.
Top tips on grow your own wildflower meadow. It’s harder than you think but the benefit are unbelievable!
They are also tiny! Dormice grow to between 6cm - 9cm! He could easily lay in the palm of your hand with room to spare.
There has been a countrywide decline in the numbers of many birds including many well known and loved species.
Even though the main brunt of damage is being done in agricultural areas, there are a lot of mistakes that are being made in the garden. As the habitats are being reduced in the countryside, it’s getting more important to welcome birds into your garden.