Pruning Group 6

Summer And Autumn Flowering

Pruning should be don’t annually in spring to promote better flowering throughout the year. It also improves the overall health of the plant.

When to prune -

  • Spring

What to prune -

  • Cut back the previous years growth back to 2 buds before the woody frame work

  • fuchsia can be cut back to near ground level to stimulate healthy growth (it’s a bit of a personal choice whether you do or not. It depends on how big you want it to get.)

  • branches are diseased, damaged or dead (the three Ds).

  • branches are congested or crossing each other.

  • branches are growing in unwanted directions (e.g. in toward the centre of the plant)

  • branches that are weak or spindly in order to promote stronger growth in others


Pruning Group 7


Pruning Group 5