Elizabeth Broadbent Elizabeth Broadbent

Ground Elder - How to deal with it...

Ground elder is a weed that I’d encourage you to look out for and try and deal with as quickly as possible. We’ve worked in gardens that have been overrun by it and it is a nightmare to get rid of! It’s classified an invasive, perennial weed, which means it spreads quickly and it will come back year after years.

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trees and plants Elizabeth Broadbent trees and plants Elizabeth Broadbent

Weeds in the garden

Any plant can be a weed if it’s running a muck somewhere you don’t what it. However there are some plants that are considered weeds for a reason. This blog will help you identify and hopefully get rid of some of the worst offenders.

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soil, water Tom soil, water Tom

Water your plants

Dry conditions obviously has a massive effect on your plants because if they don’t have water they’ll start to wilt and die. This blog tells you everything you need to know about watering your plants.

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