Gunnera manicata - Giant rhubarb
Gunnera manicata - Giant rhubarb
Other names:
Giant rhubarb
Chilean rhubarb
Prickly rhubarb
Family - Gunneraceae | Genus - Gunnera
Poor drainage
Loam, Clay,
Acid, Neutral, Alkaline
Up to 2.5m
Identifying Features:
Lobed, rough-textured leaves
Spiny stem
Tiny red-brown flowers
The Giant rhubarb is very big so think about the space you have before planting it. It’s very hardy, likes the sun but can withstand the winter freeze down to -5%. Schedule 3 of the EU (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 in the Republic of Ireland as an invasive non-native species. This won’t stop you buying it if you're from there but you should take care of any garden waste it produces properly.
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