Christmas Garden Rescue
I can't believe it's nearly christmas. Unusually for me I am organised this year. I've been shopping in Leeds and Harrogate and have all my pressies bought ….. Well nearly all!
This pet is just for Christmas!
As usual we are arguing over whether using the ancient plastic fakemas tree is more environmentally friendly than getting a real one and as usual I’m putting my foot down and getting a Norway Spruce…. Because I love the smell and well, Christmas just ain't Christmas without all that hoovering.
As usual the kids have been asking for a pet. Arthur wants a giraffe and Iver (being older and more sensible) wants a puppy. Well folks - this year Santa has come to Harrogate early and brought us a ……..
Goldfinch!!??!! Yes a Goldfinch! - unusual pet I know - but hey!
For us one of the many joys of being a gardener is hanging out with our feathered friends. As my son, Arthur, is bird mad, when we found this little guy stunned and immobile in the garden, he was the first to want to rescue him.
And rescue him we did. After checking on the RSPB website, the kids built a nest out of a box, some mesh and of course some gaffer tape (everything can be made with gaffer tape) - made a perch from a twig and put some Niger seed and water in.
Now, instead of listening to the festive sounds of Christmas caroling, we are listening to Goldfinch bird calls on YouTube …. To make him feel at home of course!!
He's up and flapping about now - so we are going to release him back into the wild soon. Watch this space …….
Yours festively
Liz and the team at gardenwild
This blog is all about how to plant a yew hedge in clay soil and it’s harder than you think. Check it out yew won’t regret it!