Additional Cost

We try to make our estimates as comprehensive as possible but sometimes there are unforeseen elements that can incur extra cost.


Specialist plants - Plants that cost more than the budget can accommodate e.g. mature or unusual specimens

Total cost of the plant



Excavation - removal of a large amount of hard material, including but not limited to:

  • Rubble

  • Clay

  • Concrete

  • Tree roots/stumps

£60 per m2



Additional consultation - any meeting deemed outside of the design/planting process, costs to be agreed in advance.

£100 per meeting



Unexpected changes to plant list - any changes requested by the client after the project has been signed off.

Dependent on ordering, refunds on materials, plants etc and additional admin time.



Unexpected changes to planting plan - any changes to planting plan requested by the client after the project has been signed off.

Dependent on hourly rate and additional admin time.



Unexpected changes to prep or planting itinerary - including but not exclusively:

  • Last minute changes to the planting date

  • Last minute cancelation of work

Could be expected to pay the labour and material cost in full.



Please see our terms and conditions for more information.